The goal of the IHM Lunch Program is to provide balanced meals for the students daily.

All meals are served with a seasonal fruit and/or veggie.


All lunch pre-orders should be placed through your FACTS Family Portal. Please see the following instructions to pre-order lunch/milk for April for your student/s.  All pre-orders must be placed by Monday, March 31st.

  • Login into your FACTS Family Portal  account with your username and password.
  • Click on STUDENT
  • Select LUNCH

       Please note:  FACTS SIS has advised that it is best to use a laptop or desk-top device rather than a phone when placing your lunch pre-  orders to minimize any technical difficulties.

       If you receive an error message, please try clearing your cache and cookies. Step by step instructions are available here:   

  • Select “CREATE WEB ORDER” at the top
  • Enter the quantity of “1” to the right of each item you would like to order.
  • Complete an order for each of your child/ren. Please note: If you are ordering for more than one child, you will need to scroll down to see your other child’s name to complete the online form for them.  
  • Once all orders are completed, scroll down to the bottom of the page and you will see the total cost of your items. 
  • Select “ORDER ITEMS” to finalize your order.


To view what you have ordered, refresh your screen.  

  • SELECT the  “April ” calendar and what you have ordered will be highlighted in blue under each child’s name. 
  • The IHM School April Menu can be viewed under the FACTS Family Portal >School>Calendar.
  • All lunch orders include milk
  • Milk can be pre-ordered separately - your FACTS account will be billed for $.50 per milk ordered
  • All snacks are cash ONLY

Note: Effective 11/1/2024, credits for pre-ordered milk/lunches will be given ONLY for sick days, snow days or class field trips.  Lunch/milk credits will not be given if your child is absent for personal vacations or decides to pack a lunch instead of eating the lunch ordered.

Please email us with any questions at

Hannah Hamad

Patti Reynolds

April Lunch Menu

March Lunch Menu



Free and Reduced Lunch Program Application can be found HERE