Click HERE for the 2023-2024 PAG Calendar
What is it?
The PAG – Parents Assistance Group – is a group that supports the school in the following areas:
- Fundraising Events
- Social Activities
- Building a School Community
- Positive reinforcement about our school
- Communication
Who is it?
The PAG is made up of a board whose members meet monthly to coordinate events, and review previous and ongoing programs. The PAG Board consists of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Marketing Coordinator and “At Large” members. In addition to the board members, all parents that choose to volunteer at the school in any capacity are members of the PAG.
How do I get involved?
Please sign up utilizing the volunteer sheet. You can designate when you are available, and where you would like to get involved. Also, look for scheduled meetings, PAG sponsored events, or just call a chairperson or board member!
P.A.G. Board Members
Trisha Burris
Maureen Russ
Rachel Thompson
At Large Members
Chrissy Grescovich
Amy McMillin
Lori Visner
- 5K/Fun Run
- Book Fair
- Acme Receipts
- Stoller Fundraiser
- Metropolis Popcorn
- Fall Mum Sale
Where does the money go?
Educational and School Support Costs
- Technology Upgrades and Improvements
- Catholic Schools Week Events
- Mentoring Program
- Keynote Speakers
- Invitations to authors to visit our school
- Class Field Trip Bussing
- Book Fair – money made at the book fair goes directly back to the library
- General operational expenses/promotional materials
Social Activities and Community Building Costs
- Hospitality Group – Faculty Luncheons & Birthdays. In-service Day luncheons
- Grandparent’s Day
- Santa Shop – any money made here goes directly back into the program
- Kindergarten Ice Cream Social
- Movie Night
- Used Uniform Sale