Thanks to the expansion of the Ohio Department of Education EdChoice Scholarship Program, every IHM student (K-8) qualifies to receive a state tuition scholarship of up to $6,166/year! Awards are based on a sliding scale, but regardless of income EVERY FAMILY can receive a minimum scholarship of $650. Not only will this positively impact the lives of our IHM families, but our entire school community.
(NEW FAMILIES OR RETURNING FAMILIES THAT HAVE HAD A SIGNIFICANT CHANGE IN INCOME) - As we continue to navigate the necessary steps to maximize the potential benefit of all available scholarships for your child, including the EdChoice State Scholarship, we ask that you please take 1-2 minutes to complete our online SCHOLARSHIP ELIGIBILITY SURVEY (no documentation required), then follow the instructions to apply for your EdChoice Scholarship below.
HOW TO APPLY- Checklist
STEP 1 New to EdChoice: Fill out this EdChoice Request Form for EACH NEW K-8 student
STEP 1 Returning: Fill out this EdChoice Renewal Form for EACH RETURNING K-8 students.
STEP 2: Gather your supporting documents
A. Proof of Residency: A current (less than 90 days old) utility bill (gas, electric or water bills are best). No cell phone bills. If you do not have a utility bill in your name (i.e. if renting or living with another family member/homeowner), please contact Julie Bowling at for assistance.
B. Birth Certificate: While we do have this on file and are happy to access this for you, if you are able to provide it along with your request form, we’ll be able to process your application faster.
STEP 3: Email the completed request form(s) and proof of residency to Julie Bowling at or drop off at the rectory c/o Julie Bowling. IHM must enter each application on behalf of the student.
RENEWAL: Congratulations! You are done.
NEW REQUEST: PAUSE Do not being Step 4 until IHM has confirmed with you that your request has been submitted.
STEP 4: Verify Income by Creating An Account online (
We strongly recommend that you utilize VIDEO TUTORIAL on how to use the Income Verification website.
There is also a supporting Online Income Verification Quick Guide
STEP 5: Finalize and upload your Income Verification to ODE. Every family subitting an EdChoice reqeust for the first time must do this regardless of income status. You will need to submit income verification with supporting documentation so the state can determine the amount of scholarship dollars your student(s) is eligible for.
You can also fill out and mail a hard copy to the ODE by completing this Income Verification Form. Income Verification forms and supporting income documents DO NOT come to the school. You must submit them online or via US Mail to the Ohio Department of Education.
Ohio Department of Education EdChoice- Expansion Fact Sheet
2025-2026 EdChoice- Expansion Award Amounts
2025-2026 EdChoice Income Eligibility
IHM Parent Meeting EdChoice Presentation
Please read the full communication HERE from our Pastor and Principal.
Click HERE for tips and common mistakes that will help you, IHM, and the Ohio Department of Education to process your application faster! Also, this document contains some clarifications on the differences between EdChoice Expansion vs. Traditional.
2025-2026 Scholarship Opportunities & FAQs
We are asking each family to complete the scholarship opportunities listed here.
Below you will find everything you need to successfully apply to EdChoice.
EdChoice Request Form (Application Form)
EdChoice Renewal Form (Application Form)
Quick Guide Income Verification Portal